Wednesday, June 20, 2012
WK14-15: Project Three Final Submission - Summary Statement
WK14-15: Project Three Final Submission - Final Presentation Poster
WK14-15: Project Three Final Submission - Final Iteration Renders
WK14-15: Project Three Final Submission - Grasshopper
Stage Two
Stage Three
Thursday, May 3, 2012
WK6-9: Laser Cutting Test
WK6-9: Grasshopper Experimentation Summary
WK6-9: Tier Two - 2 Additional Linkage Sources
Agarwal, P., Narayanan, M., Lee, L., Mendel, F & Krovi, V 2010, ‘Simulation-Based Design of Exoskeletons using Musculoskeletal Analysis’, ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. 1-8.
Source Two: Post-spatial Architectures: The emergence of time like parametric worlds -
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
WK5: Project Two - Six Additional Sources
1. Huiskes, R., Weinans, H., Grootenboer, J., Dalstra, M. Fudala, B & Slooff, T 1987, ‘Adaptive Bone-Remodeling Theory Applied to Prosthetic Design Analysis’, Pergamon: Biomechanics, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1135-1150.
Adaptive Bone-Remodelling Theory Applied to Prosthetic Design Analysis is an academic paper which considers the development and utilisation of computer simulations. Considering the methodology to predict bone remodelling in accordance to stress related factors, Wolff’s Law and the Finite Element Method.
2. Elsley, Richard, ‘Adaptive Control of Prosthetic Limbs Using Neural Networks’, Rockwell International Science Center, pp. 771-776.
Adaptive Control of Prosthetic Limbs Using Neural Networks is a paper which considers the manner in which prosthetic control and the inverse control is a result of internal functions. Therefore considering the manner in which prosthetics are only utilised once the functional control is identified.
3. Troncossi, Marco., Parenti-Castelli, Vincenzo & Davalli,
Angelo, ‘Design of Upper Limb Prostheses: A New Subject Oriented Approach’, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bologna, pp. 1-4.
Design of Upper Limb Prostheses: A New Subject Oriented
Approach intent is to question and develop innovative prosthetics upon bilateral
systems which consider predefined variable requirements. Thus outlining a
mechanical design of a prosthetic system which is subject orientated.
Experimental Sources -
1. Pitts, Greg & Datta, Sambit, ‘Parametric Modelling of Architectural Surfaces’, The School of
Architecture and Building, Deakin University, pp. 635-644.
Parametric Modelling of Architectural Surfaces is a paper which outlines parametric modellings ability as a design tool within architectural design considers the generative ability of complex geometrical forms generation using parametrics. Geometrical forms concentrated on surface development which considers relative variables such as lighting quality.
2. Peters, Brady, ‘Parametric Acoustic Surfaces’, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, pp.
Parametric Acoustic Surfaces considers the development of complex acoustic surfaces using parametrics. Thus responsive surfaces which consider the surrounding aural environment. Using parametrics to utilise absorptive and diffuser etc. qualities of surface architecture. Six Additional Source
3. Chiu, Yun-Ying, ‘How to Make the Soft Skin? A preliminary framework for the parametric design of the bionic soft skin’, Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University, pp. 237-242.
How to Make the Soft Skin? A preliminary framework for the parametric design of the bionic soft skin is a paper which presents a preliminary framework for the design and fabrication of a bionic architectural surface. However considering a surface which potentially may be formed independent of the internal structure.
WK5: Project Two - Draft Grasshopper System
The image above presents the draft system I developed, which forms two squares, thus key boundaries, before then creating a spline curve based on the position of the vertices of each square. The resultant curve is extruded producing a geometrical three dimensional surface. Thus the image below presents four different architectural surfaces and forms based on the variable position of the points or human forms.
WK5: Project Two - Lexicon
2. Algorithmic Prosthetics
3. Parametric Exoskeleton Surface
4. Geometrically Bionic Surface
5. Topological Spatial Expansion
6. Prosthetic Architectural Stimulation
7. Intrinsically Responsive Geometry
8. Architectural Prosthetics
9. Subjectively Orientated Architecture
10. Prosthetic Architectural Expansion
WK5: Project Two - Images of Influence
Title: Dynamic Tower - Architect: David Fisher - Location: Dubai
WK5: Project Two - Six Sources
Design Sources –
1. Wigley, Mark 1991, ‘Prosthetic Theory: The Disciplining of Architecture’, Assemblage, no. 15, pp. 6-29.
Prosthetic Theory: The Disciplining of Architecture is a paper which discusses the historical origin of the architectural prosthetics, a notion considering the relationship which exists between human form and architecture. Further the relative conceptual notions which outline its implementation within the modern architectural discourse.
2. Kerr, Heather 2001, ‘Prosthetic Architectures’, Journal of Media and AMP, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 97-102.
Prosthetic Architectures, presents the architectural notion of a relationship which exists between human form and architecture itself. However this paper presents such in a more conceptual state, considering ideas regarding the perceived interpretation of such a notion for example.
3. Weinstock, Michael & Stathopoulos Nikolaos, ‘Advanced Simulation in Design’, pp. 54-59.
Advance Simulation in Design, is a paper which outlines the practice and significance of simulations within the design process, however through a mathematical and algorithmic approach. An approach considering simulations which through such an approach analyses variables previously not considered.
Experimental Sources –
1. Coorey, Ben 2010, ‘Scalability: Parametric Studies from Exoskeletons to the City’, University of Technology, pp. 155-163.
Scalability: Parametric Studies from Exoskeletons to the City outlines through a philosophical, mathematical and computational background the interconnection between architectural design, multiplicities and their relation to dynamic theories.
2. Katz, Neil, ‘Algorithmic Modeling; Parametric Thinking: Computational Solutions to Design Problems’, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, pp. 19-35.
Algorithmic Modelling; Parametric Thinking: Computational Solutions to Design Problems presents computational design techniques used within the design process, utilising parametric design methods including rule and variable incorporation.
3. Baerlecken, Daniel., Manegold, Martin., Kuenstler, Arne & Reitz, Judith 2010, ‘Integrative Parametric Form Finding Processes’, Imagine Structure, pp. 303-312.
Integrative Parametric Form Finding Processes is a study which considers recent developments within digital technology and contemporary design tools, thus parametrics and multiple geometrical simulations. Furthermore this paper examines a form finding approach based on aesthetically defined parameters as well as other internal and external parameters such as structure.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
WK4: Final Submission - Poster / Text
Utilising these variables as factors of consideration within my project in a conceptual manner, I produced a simulation which allows the responder to define an overall geometrical form based upon the physical movement of individual agents, or points. The external parameters of the swarm is defined through the average individually controlled velocity of clusters within the swarm, while the overall direction and focus is determined by the average position of points in the form of a perlin graph.
The internal mechanism of the swarm however is adjusted through individual clusters, centrally based upon the perlin graphs position in space. Where each agent’s velocity and relative position is definable against the central axis of the perlin graph. Furthermore the individual density scale of each agent is adjustable, allowing collectively with the other variables the scale of the swarm to be adjusted while exploring the influence of relative velocities, position and density.
The iterations which have been presented portray a selection of four separate swarms, which explore the altering of the various variables against one another within a three stage time frame. Through such, the responder is able to grasp the influence of such variables against each agent and their reaction within the swarm.
WK4: Final Submission - Grasshopper File
WK4: Final Submission - Renders
SwarmOne.PositionOne: Low central state density with limited movement results in minimal agent dispersion about the central perlin axis, as individual behaviour of agents remains stable.
SwarmOne.PositionTwo: Central velocity increase develops individual behaviour dispersion, as suggestive cluster formations begin to emerge.
SwarmOne.PositionThree: Developed emergence of individual clusters, alludes to variations between individual agents position and velocity, thus influence of variables emerges.
SwarmTwo.PositionOne: Increase in central state density, suggests immediate cluster formation, whilst individual position dispersion reflects swarm one.
SwarmTwo.PositionTwo: While the immediate position of individual agents reflects swarm one, as the central velocity increases the relative dispersion suggests a proportional cluster formation.
SwarmTwo.PositionThree: Developing increase in agent’s average velocity suggests position is proportional to time, and therefore behaviour and form is equally proportional.
SwarmThree.PositionOne: Increase of central state density results in quicker emergence of individual agent dispersion, while central behaviour of swarm reflects limited movement.
SwarmThree.PositionTwo: Although velocity and positional development expands cluster formations, the central state of behaviour provides a greater collective swarm about the central origin.
SwarmThree.PositionThree: Development of time frame expands dispersion of agents relative to one another and within clusters supporting general swarm behaviour theory.
SwarmFour.PositionOne: Immediate expansion of individual agents with minimal velocity and position development suggests stray agent’s possible movement is independent.
SwarmFour.PositionTwo: Strayed agents theory is enhanced, as cluster dispersion is based around central perlin axis as relative and proportional position and velocity reflects other swarms.
SwarmFour.PositionThree: Although increased central state density suggests emergence of individual agent cluster dispersion, a central mass remains constant with straying individual agents.