The collection of iterations above presents my final renders, carried out on my swarm theory study. Each iteration is explained through the following documentation, moving from swarm one, position one in the upper left corner to swarm four, position three in the low right corner.
SwarmOne.PositionOne: Low central state density with limited movement results in minimal agent dispersion about the central perlin axis, as individual behaviour of agents remains stable.
SwarmOne.PositionTwo: Central velocity increase develops individual behaviour dispersion, as suggestive cluster formations begin to emerge.
SwarmOne.PositionThree: Developed emergence of individual clusters, alludes to variations between individual agents position and velocity, thus influence of variables emerges.
SwarmTwo.PositionOne: Increase in central state density, suggests immediate cluster formation, whilst individual position dispersion reflects swarm one.
SwarmTwo.PositionTwo: While the immediate position of individual agents reflects swarm one, as the central velocity increases the relative dispersion suggests a proportional cluster formation.
SwarmTwo.PositionThree: Developing increase in agent’s average velocity suggests position is proportional to time, and therefore behaviour and form is equally proportional.
SwarmThree.PositionOne: Increase of central state density results in quicker emergence of individual agent dispersion, while central behaviour of swarm reflects limited movement.
SwarmThree.PositionTwo: Although velocity and positional development expands cluster formations, the central state of behaviour provides a greater collective swarm about the central origin.
SwarmThree.PositionThree: Development of time frame expands dispersion of agents relative to one another and within clusters supporting general swarm behaviour theory.
SwarmFour.PositionOne: Immediate expansion of individual agents with minimal velocity and position development suggests stray agent’s possible movement is independent.
SwarmFour.PositionTwo: Strayed agents theory is enhanced, as cluster dispersion is based around central perlin axis as relative and proportional position and velocity reflects other swarms.
SwarmFour.PositionThree: Although increased central state density suggests emergence of individual agent cluster dispersion, a central mass remains constant with straying individual agents.
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